
Who are you?
Where are you going?
Why are you going there?


Me and My Kindle

I received a Kindle for Father's Day.  At first I used it sparingly, having difficulty giving up the printed paper page.  I took it to appointments when a wait was likely involved.   At first I wasn't sure how I felt about it.  I'm on vacation this week, and I decided that this would be the test.  I did bring a few books, but I relied on my Kindle and didn't read a real book for the first four days.  I've decided that the issues are the same as books..sometimes the book just isn't worth reading.  Will I switch to the Kindle 100%?  I'm not sure.  It's hard to beat the low prices at the local library's book sale or the non-existent cost to borrow books from the library.  We'll see what happens when I receive Amazon.com gift cards for Christmas.


thoughts on living

On September 10, we learned that the 27 year old daughter of friends had passed away last Sunday from cancer.  We only met her a few times when she was younger and they lived in the area, but it was still devastating news.
I had various thoughts over the course of the day.  One was, fuck it, let's go to Baskin-Robbins for dinner.  After all if someone that young and healthy can get cancer, I certainly can also.  Another thought was to get on the treadmill and run until my legs gave out and not play it safe.  By the time the morning came around I had backed off of that one.  I did run 15 of the 35 minutes on the treadmill to cover 2.57 miles.  It may not seem like much but it was to me.  Another thought was maybe I should write a blog and let out my thoughts.  I wasn't sure about that one but here we are.
This morning my thoughts were about taking my time in the present moment.  Not worrying if I had enough time to lift weights at the gym.  Not concerned about the wait at Starbucks.