
I think I'm depressed.  Even though I have a beautiful 4 day old grandson, my daughter is carrying a baby that won't live very long because his brain is not developing.  I also am out of my routine because of the new grandson.  I feel bad for my son and daughter in law, while knowing it's part of the process for them to be tired.

My weight is up and I believe it's related to the above.  I know what I should eat/do, but when it comes time to make a decision, I often if not usually make the wrong decision.


Things I'm grateful for today.

  1. I live in an area with beautiful weather.
  2. I experienced my broken wrist and subsequent surgery with minimal problems
  3. I have the ability to change my health patterns.
  4. I have one granddaughter and two more grandchildren on the way
  5. I am financially well off
  6. I can become whoever/whatever I want to be
  7. I woke up this morning
  8. I love my wife
  9. I am healthy enough to give back


I'm scared.  I feel like I'm slowly killing myself and have been for the past 50 years.  My diet sucks, I know it and I seem powerless to change it.  I know that isn't true but it's the biggest struggle in my life.  I see something and my mind shuts off and I just eat it.  One of the things that I think might work is the Pritikin Program where you stay at their site in Florida for one or two weeks.  The diet is good and it's expensive.  However, my thinking is that because it's expensive I'll feel obligated to stick with it.  Not sure that's the best motivation, but if it works...


Who am I and How Can I Change The World

I am here to serve, starting with my families.

I will change my little corner of the world by serving each person I interact with.


Oral Surgery

I had oral surgery last week and one of the restrictions was no exercise. I really missed it. I return today for a follow up visit and I'm looking forward to returning to the gym.


My running plan

My running plan as of October 19, 2012

  • Run/walk 5 minutes alternately.
  • After doing that for a solid week, switch to 4 minutes running, alternating with 6 minutes running
  • After running a week at the new speed, increase by a minute the running segments, while decreasing the walking segments
  • Increase the running segments until I run for 25 minutes straight.
  • Increase speed as possible until I'm running 6 mph
  • Increase time until I'm running 5K, 10K, a half marathon, and a marathon.